Death Lodge
6:30 PM18:30

Death Lodge

Death Lodge Ceremony

Sunday October 27th

11:00 – 3:00 pm

Maston Trailhead

Contribution - $75 - $125 Venmo @gretchen-hingley saves your spot get you details.

Death Lodge work is not something you do one time and then it’s complete. It is best viewed as a practice that you periodically revisit as part of your commitment to your inner growth. It is an old Earth pan-cultural ceremony about letting go of those self-identities and relationships that need to be put to restIt is about doing the hard work of forgiveness, apology, and reconciliation so that our most important relationships can be about giving and receiving love and gratitude while we are still alive.

For most folks, the most important work of the Death Lodge involves bringing healing and completion to relationships. Some do this Ceremony for the relationships, energetic ties, soul wounds, and past circumstances that haunt them. Others for their ancestors or relatives, who did not get a chance to be healed, grieved, and celebrated. 

In your Lodge, you will have the opportunity to spend time, in spirit, with people who have been significant in your life. There are several different possibilities for who you can invite into your Death Lodge (and some who will just appear).

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